What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a condition commonly linked to obesity that disrupts a patient’s ability to breathe properly during sleep—breath pauses can range from a few seconds to minutes depending on the severity of the case.

How does obesity cause sleep apnea?

Obesity is often the leading cause of multiple sleeping disorders. Sleep apnea results from the relaxation of the soft tissue in the back of the throat during sleep causing air blockage.

How does sleep apnea affect your body?

Sleep apnea can cause patients to experience fatigue along with morning headaches and grogginess as well as various episodes of sleepiness throughout the day. If left untreated, sleep apnea can seriously compromise a patient’s health and can lead to the development of other issues such as diabetes, stroke, and hypertension.

How can you treat sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is treatable through a variety of methods including:

  • A reduction in, or elimination of, drug and alcohol use.
  • Frequent exercise and dieting.
  • Adherence to a regular sleeping schedule.
  • Weight loss executed in a broad range of ways – exercise, dieting, medication, and surgery.
  • The ingestion of food and caffeinated beverages no less than two hours before sleep.